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Art Glass

The objects presented in this section are realized using several techniques. The following are few of them:
The Canes are glass bars with different thickness, monochrome or polychrome and are the basic element for each manufacturing. Our Masters prefer to produce the canes by themselves.
The so-called “Avventurina” is a particular type of glass, which includes copper crystals to give a special lucent effect to the glass.
The Filigree is a glass obtained putting together bars which include colored or white glass smoothed lines, in a very warm environment.
The Filigree is called “a retortoli”, if the lines into the bars are curved or in spiral form; or is called “a reticello” or “doppia” (double), if the bars are intersected.
The “Zanfirico” is a variant of the Filigree. The canes are intersected and putted near each other in different forms. During the manufacturing, the created drawing starts from the center of the blown glass and expands on the glass in slice forms.
The “Murrine” are realized starting from a cold colored bundle of canes, putted near each other, heated and stretched in a new cane. Cutting the small dishes from this cane we obtain the famous “Murrina”.
The Mosaic or so called “Tessera glass” is realized with fragments of glass with different colors putted near each other and melded together.
Through the different techniques used by very experienced hand movements, the glass Masters realize extraordinary, very beautiful and inimitable creations.